Girls and Guys can do “better” than Girls and Guys

I saw a girl wearing a shirt that said “girls can do it better”




Sure, in history and all girls didn’t have the same rights we have now, but that doesn’t mean that we should be crazy feminists about it.

What are your thoughts?? I’m curious and not very educated so help a girl out thanks


Am I Really Depressed?

A lot of times we don’t know if we are feeling down because our boy/girlfriend basically told us we look fat, or if we really have depression. (That took a wild turn)

You tell yourself this:

I have an okay eh kind of life. My face isn’t the best, my acne isn’t getting better. I’m definitely no model. My few friends are the best influences and never invite me to hang out, I’m always working, and my body isn’t great, as in I don’t have a 6 pack. I’m not happy.


what if all of that was false, and just lies you put into your brain? IS that even possible? Aren’t you smart enough to tell the difference? That’s where most people fail to acknowledge.

Let’s pretend all that was said in bold was when you were in a sad, tired mood and feeling bad about yourself. This next paragraph will be when you are in a good, uplifted  mood.

You then tell yourself:

I am so grateful for today! My body is looking healthy, my skin is glowing, and I love how my hair has been looking lately. I’m so happy I invited all my friends bowling last night, it was so fun and I really got to help some of them with their issues going on. ..

I could go on, but you get the point. How did you feel when you read the first paragraph compared to the second one? How did your feelings change? Do you understand how much your thoughts impact how you feel? 

Those two paragraphs were meant to be happening at the same exact time in that imaginative persons life. Do you see my point? If you are being positive and have a good attitude towards something, you will instantly be more happier and motivated to keep it that way. 🙂

I’m definitely not saying that depression is some made up thing, but there are many ways to help yourself getting out of it. Caring and loving yourself comes first!

Happy reading




Intro to Havenue

Dear Readers,

My name is Haven. I am 16 years old, and I am a messy person. No, I’m not saying that to make you feel better, no I’m not saying that to seem relatable, I’m just saying that to prove why some of my posts will be … you already know where I’m going.

Anyways, I hope you will find lots of helpful information, motivation, and inspiration by reading my blog posts. If you are anything like myself, or anybody else that is human, you know that lots of “bloggers” and “internet” people are quite fake and selfish that tend to think that hard work can be avoided and getting things instantly is very normal. (I sound like my parents)

If you are reading this right now, and you have a blog, YouTube, or anything else, email me and I’ll “follow” or read ur blogs. (

I love dance, makeup, fashion, and anything writing. I am currently writing a book called, “Curving Waves of Angst”. I actually wrote an entire chapter and didn’t save it. :/ Haha..

Thanks for getting this far! If I was seeing you in person, you would get a high five from me. (oh well)

Happy reading,
