Girls and Guys can do “better” than Girls and Guys

I saw a girl wearing a shirt that said “girls can do it better”




Sure, in history and all girls didn’t have the same rights we have now, but that doesn’t mean that we should be crazy feminists about it.

What are your thoughts?? I’m curious and not very educated so help a girl out thanks


Teens- why you shouldn’t date in high school.

Let me tell you a story my mom told me. When she was 16-17 years old, she had a guy friend. He was really attractive and could get any girl he wanted. My mom found out that the same guy ended up sleeping with a girl that wasn’t really popular and (not trying to be mean) was over weight and had hygiene problems. I guess it was really bad. I’m just trying to explain that a guy will literally be with any girl to get what he wants.

Sure, you might find “the one” that just has to be different. Just trust me. Be careful and look out for the guys/girls that only care about sleeping with you. Oh, but I mean hoes will be hoes, so if you’re about that life go ahead. 👻



When I was __ Years Old.

When I 7 years old, I found that I didn’t like anyone. Seriously, I was totally introverted and didn’t like talking to other kids. I would hurt myself every day on the monkey bars. I was best friends with the nurse. 😉

When I was 8 years old, I realized my mom was the only one who truly cared about me. I didn’t understand the meaning of family, but I knew she was my mom, if that makes sense.

When I was 9 years old. I found true friendship across the street from my house, Katy and Andrew. Every day we would all play together, whether it was sharpening sticks, or running from homeless guys in the forest. Andrew’s older brother was over at my house, and bumped over my hamster’s cage on accident. RIP Nicky. 😦 (It’s sorta funny now that I think of it, sorry hamster lovers)

When I was 10 years old, I found out I was a bully. Growing up in my school, I was picked on a ton, so I guess that influenced me to do it back. Not only would I do it back, but I would pick on other kids that didn’t deserve it. (#savage) Jk, that’s wrong…

When I was 11 years old, I found out my mom was depressed, and my step dad was abusive. I thought it was my fault. Being manipulated by my step dad, I felt bad all the time. When my step dad and mom broke up, my step dad would tell me all the time that my mom slept with a bunch of guys all the time. This made me super sensitive about that whole topic, and has probably scarred me still to this day. Sorta funny though. In a cruel way..I guess lol

When I was 12 years old, I found out the meaning of liking someone. No, not from the “popular girls” chasing all the boys, I mean sitting on the bus by a boy everyday and not even realizing what I was feeling.

When I was 13 years old, I found out the meaning of regret and sacrifice. My mom and I moved away, so that meant I had to leave all of my friends and the boy I didn’t even know I liked. I never got to tell any of them I was moving, because we moved a week before scheduled.

When I was 14 years old, I found out I was cringy as hell. I was selfish most of the time, and lonely, being homeschooled. I met my best friends at this time through church and dance. I spent loads of time playing The Sims and Minecraft. Even though I was immature, I found God that year of my life. I became happier because of that.

When I was 15 years old, I found out the true, true meaning of love and friendship. I became responsible and motivated. I no longer cared what people thought. I started teaching myself new languages and learned about music. I became productive. My mom met a great guy who is really great. 🙂 (I said great twice)

Being 16 years old, I am obsessed with growing up, makeup, music, and clothes. I don’t party or do drugs like some of the influences I’m around. I do great in school and focus on what’s important to me. I don’t let boys mess with my head. (only rerely…lol)I realize now how important family is.

Biggest Regrets:

Not being in the moment.
Caring what people think.
Lying to my parents

Greatest Achievements:
4.0 GPA
Learning Tagalog and Spanish
Cutting negative people from my life
Finding God.
Being more caring towards other girls my age , which can be such a struggle lol.

Sorry for saying lol all the time

Thanks for reading. ❤

Intro to Havenue

Dear Readers,

My name is Haven. I am 16 years old, and I am a messy person. No, I’m not saying that to make you feel better, no I’m not saying that to seem relatable, I’m just saying that to prove why some of my posts will be … you already know where I’m going.

Anyways, I hope you will find lots of helpful information, motivation, and inspiration by reading my blog posts. If you are anything like myself, or anybody else that is human, you know that lots of “bloggers” and “internet” people are quite fake and selfish that tend to think that hard work can be avoided and getting things instantly is very normal. (I sound like my parents)

If you are reading this right now, and you have a blog, YouTube, or anything else, email me and I’ll “follow” or read ur blogs. (

I love dance, makeup, fashion, and anything writing. I am currently writing a book called, “Curving Waves of Angst”. I actually wrote an entire chapter and didn’t save it. :/ Haha..

Thanks for getting this far! If I was seeing you in person, you would get a high five from me. (oh well)

Happy reading,
